HomeBusinessAnushka Sharma reveals that she ate the same dish for 6 months

Anushka Sharma reveals that she ate the same dish for 6 months

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Eating the same meal for several days may not seem unusual to many people, since most people prefer a variety of dishes to eat in their daily life.

However, the charming Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma revealed in an interview that she can eat the same dish for days without getting bored and she does.

Actress Anushka Sharma, the wife of famous Indian player Virat Kohli, told her fans that she has been eating the famous South Indian dish ‘Idli Sambar’ for breakfast for the past 6 months and will continue to do for several months.

During an event in 2023, actress Anushka Sharma was asked by reporters if she can eat the same food for a long time.

Reacting to the question, actress Anushka Sharma said, “It’s not a difficult thing for me because I eat the same thing almost every day and sometimes for months, especially when I’m shooting for a movie.”

The actress told her fans that there was a time when I ate khichdi and brinjal bharta for dinner for a whole month while shooting and not only that, I ate idli saambar for breakfast for the last 6 months.

Eating the same food for several days is called “monotrophic” or “mono diet” according to experts, because eating the same type of healthy food every day can help a person maintain a healthy weight.

Actress Anushka Sharma is known for her disciplined life and fitness even after 2 children, she follows a ‘monotrophic’ or ‘mono diet’ regime to maintain her health and fitness.

Although the dedication of the actress to fitness is admirable, many questions have been raised about the “monotrophic” or “mono diet” if this method is beneficial or not.

In this sense, the gastroenterologist Dr. Paul Manickam published an Instagram reel that immediately caught the attention of users.

In his Instagram reel, Dr. Paul explained that rice in idli and dal in saambar are great for gut health, which helps absorb vitamins, minerals and antioxidants into the skin.
That’s why actress Anushka Sharma always looks attractive with glowing skin thanks to her “monotrophic” or “mono diet”.

(Except translation, this story has not been edited by pipanews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
source link https://dailykhabrain.com.pk/2024/09/07/406187/
source_url_encoded https%3A%2F%2Fdailykhabrain.com.pk%2F2024%2F09%2F07%2F406187%2F

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